
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Growing up I was told things like I would do big things, or that my future is bright. Hopefully most kids grow up hearing these types of things. The difference for me is what I thought of when I heard these things. My mind did not immediately jump to making a bunch of money or having some super amazing career. What I thought of when I looked forward to doing big things was changing the world around me. I wanted to make a positive impact on others in a way that points others to Jesus. I have also always wanted to see new parts of the world and gain new experiences. We are only here for so long so I want to spend as much of my life spreading the gospel and experiencing new things as I can. 

This is why going on this mission trip makes sense for me. I always thought missions around the world would be apart of my life when I get older. I didn’t expect to leave for a year to do so, but that is where God has taken me. God has closed many doors for me in the last 6 months, but this door was opened. I applied to this trip at the last second and was only able to do so because the deadline was extended. I applied out of pure interest. Once I was accepted this option became real. A door had finally opened for me. The next week or so I had to talk to God and try to determine whether I was supposed to walk through this open door. I ended up deciding to jump..

I have no idea what this journey is going to look like but I am choosing to leap into trusting God. When I got back from school in March, life started to be in black and white. My motivation was low. I had no idea what was next and I was frustrated and felt as if my purpose was yet to be found. A few weeks ago I knew it was time for me to wake up. I still did not know what was next but I knew I had to refocus on Jesus. 

Our purpose in life is to share the gospel and love others. There is people all around the world who do not know Jesus and the love and hope that he provides. This doesn’t sit right with me. I want to reach these people and provide the hope I am lucky enough to have. I know that there is many people around me in my community that have not chosen to follow Jesus and that breaks my heart as well. That is why I am going on this trip. Not to abandon the people here but to learn to love others better. I want my confidence to grow in my faith and relationship with Jesus. When I get back from this trip, I want to be in a place that I will feel confident in my faith and will be a better servant of God in my community.

I want to seek God. I want to know God better. I want to experience new places. I want to meet new people. I want to be pushed. I want to get out of my comfort zone. I want the world to know Jesus. I want to spread love and hope. I am not going to lie I am scared and nervous, but I know God will use this to help me grow. He also will use me to grow His kingdom. This is how I make my life meaningful. I am only here for so long; I want to make sure I am proclaiming Jesus’ name as much as I can. This life is not my own!

To God be the glory,