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Galatians 4:6-7: And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.

Oof what a great verse. This one hit me. I am hyped reading it. So hyped the idea of a tattoo either of this verse or something related is floating around my mind. So, stay tuned to see if that happens at some point in the future.

The same power that rose Jesus from the dead is living inside of us as believers! Read that again. Don’t overlook the power of the Holy Spirit that is inside of us. This is insane. What a blessing for God to give us this gift. To offer a way for us to be close to God in this way. To give us a comforter, a helper, a friend, and so on. What a father we have.

You are no longer a slave. Dang this is hitting. You are no longer a slave to sin. No longer a slave to past identities. No longer a slave to areas the enemy has had a hold of. Jesus didn’t die just so we can go live in heaven forever. Which what an amazing gift that is, that we will never fully grasp in this life. Jesus also died that we can have freedom here in this life. I am trying to read through the entire Bible in 2021. Right now, I am in Numbers. Tough area of the Bible to get through, but the past several weeks of reading have been about the numerous things the Israelites would have to do to be cleansed of their sins. Praise Jesus we are on this side of the New Covenant. Jesus took our sins on to the cross with Him. Our debt is paid, another gift we will never truly grasp the greatness of.

Way to often the excuse “oh Jesus will forgive me of my sins anyway,” or “Jesus still loves me”, comes up from people who want to justify their living in sin. Jesus’ death is not an excuse for us to sin whenever we want to but rather SO THAT WE CAN BE FREE OF SIN! Sinning takes a toll on you whether you realize it yet or not. Sinning is sinning for a reason. God is looking out for you and knows there is consequences from sin.

These first few weeks I have been feeling more and more free from past sin, or lies from the enemy, and this has allowed for me to walk more and more in the freedom of my identity in Christ. The debt has been paid. Repent, ask for forgiveness and begin walking in light with Jesus.

Freedom from slavery was a huge part of this verse that got my excited, but the other part is being a son of God. Pairing freedom with being a son of God who is so proud of who I am. Proud of my faith, my heart, my joy, etc. He is looking down on me with such a large smile on His face, and this allows me freedom in walking in faith with so much joy and love. I am able to live far closer to the person He created me to be.

Feeling loved by the Father is something I was struggling with coming into this year and am still struggling a little with. But several times people have spoken over me how proud the Father is of me and have started to see little things here and there that have started helping me see the Father’s love for me in new ways.

During worship throughout the last month I have felt weird. Weird because I wasn’t feeling God’s presence a ton or maybe questioning how He sees me. After reflecting on the fact that I am a new creation in Christ and all He has done for me I was able to worship more freely than I probably have in years last night. Gosh, I needed that. I felt pure joy in worshipping my Father and what He has done and will do for me.

Fall into the Father’s arms. Ask Him to show you how much He loves you. Ask for more and more. He loves you so so much!


Also check out my YouTube.. haha yikes, but for real I am going to try to post videos on there like the one seen on Facebook. You can get there through my link in my Instagram bio or probably just looking my name up on YouTube.


Much Love!

4 responses to “A New Creation”

  1. While I’m not as cool as your Heavenly Father, I too am very proud of you and love you very much. It is so great to hear what God is doing in you through this experience.

  2. Glory to GOD!!! Wow, JD!! The LORD is blessing you and all of us through you! Thank you for the reminder of the love, freedom, joy and identity that is ours in JESUS!! I love you and I am grateful for you!!

  3. Hi JD,
    I look forward to hearing your news and to know how you are doing. I love seeing your name pop up and getting your updates on you and your team. I love the phrase you used -“fall into the Father’s arms” how totally peaceful this image is. Be safe, take care, you are an amazing young man. Love Aunt Kathy